Daniel Jaimes was born and raised in San Diego, CA. The second youngest of 10 children, he often used art to escape the adversities of the real world by creating an imaginary world of his own. Daniel got his start by drawing spaceships, battle scenes and characters from a little known movie called Star Wars which inspired him at the age of 10 and continued all the way through high school and into his early twenties as a hobby but never took his talent seriously until the passing of his Father in 2006 which inspired him to draw a portrait of him to give his grieving Mother…she loved it. From that point forward he re-learned and re-trained himself how to draw as it vastly improved with the help of better tools/materials, and the hundreds of hours of non-stop practice which re-kindled his love for Art again.
March, 2010: Daniel challenged himself again by purchasing my first canvas, brushes, acrylic paints and just started painting using a Pixilating technique which is small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an larger image with no brushstrokes which is better known in the Art World as “Pointillism” created by Georges Seurat in 1886…which inspired him. It’s basically painting with dots (no brushstrokes) which are small distinctive dot patterns of color applied on canvas to create a bigger image.
April, 2011: Within a year of developing this skill, his paintings has vastly evolved piece after piece as he continues to define the diligence style, discipline and patience of the Old Master in today’s Pop Culture and Movie Icons. Daniel takes his art very seriously, but at the same time he’s a kid at heart because the child in him survived…therefore transforming him into the creative adult that he is today. His work is now recognized and appreciated by all when displaying and live painting at San Diego Comic Con, California Center for the Arts, Respectable LA and SD Galleries, Wineries, Restaurants, Beautiful Hotels and most of all…Charity events, because giving back is priceless! His sold work has been shipped around this great country of ours and as far as New Zealand and Switzerland. It’s bittersweet for Daniel to say goodbye to his work when sold, but it also influences him to create more. So what inspires him the most? Knowing it’s never too late to do what you love…and his Father, Ruben Jaimes Sr.